Massage Center Ajman

Massage Center Ajman

In this contemporary world, with increased stress and little focus on health, unhealthy habits like lack of exercise, poor sleeping patterns, and poor diet are common. Besides that, physical activities or exercises are essential for a healthy body and lack of them causes poor posture, unhealthy weight gain, and tensed muscles.

Massages are one of the easiest and most relaxed ways to achieve a healthy body and mind. And if you are tired from a whole day's work and don't have the energy to work out and do other exercises, then massage is the right solution for you. At Chandrima Massage Center Ajman, our massage therapist will guide you to the realm of relaxation where you feel refreshed after the session.

Here we provide you with a variety of massages such as Russian massage, Kerala ayurvedic massage, Indian massage, thai massage, Pakistani massage, and so on. Each massage has unique properties for each problem and unique philosophies and principles.

For instance, Kerala Ayurvedic Massage influenced by ancient Ayurveda, originated in India is more focused on promoting a healthy body while improving circulation, detoxing the body, and removing toxins and impurities. The massage is also known for its incorporation of herbal oils which also helps in improving skin health.

Our massage therapist incorporates different techniques such as strokes, kneading, and pressure points following the authentic Ayurvedic rules. Also, our therapists are fully experienced and trained in the techniques and have advanced and extensive knowledge for applying the methods.

With intense stress in this lifestyle, boosting the natural detoxification process is crucial to thrive in this polluted environment. Kerala Ayurvedic massage helps in this process. The techniques help to dilate the blood vessels, improving the blood circulation, thus helping to carry out the toxins and metabolic wastes from the body for discarding.

The massage also helps in improving lymphatic drainage, which aids in reducing swelling and edema by draining the lymph fluids toward the lymph nodes. This process also helps in improving the immunity function. The lymphatic system is a very important part of the immunity.

Apart from that, the Kerala Ayurvedic massage, with its rhythmic strokes and use of medicated and herbal oils, helps in the release of endorphins which are the natural mood-lifting hormones thus helping to decrease stress. As a result, the production of cortisol hormone is reduced which is the stress hormone.

Moreover, the stimulation of the parasympathetic hormone aids the body in relaxing, helping to regain the natural sleep-wake cycle and thus promoting the quality of sleep that people lack. Whereas Russian massage with principles drawn from Eastern and Western massage techniques targets alleviating muscle stiffness and pain more focused on people with poor posture, limited range of motions, and flexibility.

The deep tissue manipulation of the Russian massage helps in alleviating muscle tension by loosening the stiff muscles. The massage therapist uses kneading and long strokes to break the knots and scars present in the muscles that may hinder the mobility of the individuals.

For most people who are hunched over the screen for long periods, then your neck, shoulder, and back might be in pain and discomfort. Russian massage comes to save you from the pain. The deep tissue manipulation, tapping, and kneading methods will help you reduce your body pain. Along with that, the hunched-back postures will no longer be your problem.

However, our customers are also deeply interested in Thai massage. Thai massage with its deep-rooted influence from Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda incorporates yoga-like practices and stretching to physically and mentally involve the individual into the session. The massage therapist also uses their thumbs, hands, elbows, and knees to apply pressure onto the body of the client.

Even though the massage session incorporates the principles of Ayurveda, yoga, and acupressure to the session but the results offered by the Thai massage are more similar to those of the Russian massage. This is because Thai massage is more beneficial and efficient in easing muscle tension and pain.

Therefore, Thai massage is suitable for people who suffer from chronic pain and can have instant relief from the pain.

Furthermore, here at Chandrima Massage Center Ajman, we follow the authenticity and guidelines of each massage to give the 100% benefits of the massage. Each of our massage therapists specializes in a specific type of massage with great knowledge of techniques and stretches.

Our staff are truly welcoming and friendly. We also consider the work schedules of our customers, therefore we are open to services 24 hours. We are also renowned for our hospitable services and for making our customers at most ease and comfort.

Here at Chandrima Massage Center Ajman, we arrange the most luxurious space and environment so that you can relax in the space filled with aromas of oils. This fills your mind and heart with pleasant essences of essential oils and other herbal oils. This aroma drowns you in it and helps you to relax with no worries and stress in your mind.

The calm and cool music draws away all your worries and stress as soon as you enter the spa. Our friendly staff are ready to sway away all your concerns and stress in your mind. In addition to that, our expert therapist can carefully cater a personalized session for you after analyzing your body types and needs. We will get to know your body's concerns, even it is muscle tension, stress issues, mobility issues, back and shoulder pain, and so on. We then customize the massage in regards to how it will benefit your body and your concerns.

Your comfort and privacy highly matter to us, therefore we provide private rooms and dressing rooms with much safety for privacy. Besides that, our space is kept and sanitized regularly and thoroughly to avoid any kind of discomfort for our customers.

What's even more captivating is the prices we offer. We offer the most reasonable and affordable price of just 99 AED for a session. Such an affordable price for all with the most comfortable and luxurious space.
